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Secondary Sources: 

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Chundawat, R.S., Khan, J.A. & Mallon, D.P. 2011. Panthera tigris ssp. tigris. In: IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2. <>

Guillaume, C. 2008. The impact on tigers of poaching versus prey depletion. Journal of Applied Ecology 45(6): 1667-1674

Kasnoff, Craig. "The Trade in Tiger Parts." Tigers in Crisis. CKMC, n.d. Web. <>

McDougal, C. (1987) The man-eating tigers in geographical historical perspectice. In: Tilson, R. L., Seal, U.S. (eds.) Tigers of the World. Noyes Publications, New Jersey. Pages 435-448.

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Tigers forever. N.p. Web. <>

Tiger overview. N.p. Web.>

1 comment:

  1. You should number each of your sources and use that to make citations within the text. Your Background Info page, for example, doesn't have any citations but it has a lot of facts. Also, on your Sources page, make sure to clearly distinguish between Primary and Secondary sources. The TA Andreas said it would be easier to grade that way. Also add more pictures.
